January 8, 2011


Stresses Child's Need for Parental Love

VATICAN CITY, JAN. 1, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI is highlighting the mystery of childbirth, in which parents are offered a chance to experience the action of their Creator.
The Pope stated this Dec. 26, the Feast of the Holy Family, before praying the midday Angelus with the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square.
He reflected on the "profound mystery" that surrounded the birth of Jesus.
"The birth of any child brings with it something of this mystery," the Pontiff said.
He affirmed that "human beings experience procreation not merely as reproductive act; they perceive its richness; they are intuitively aware that every human creature who enters into the world is a 'sign' par excellence of the Creator and Father in heaven."
The Holy Father underlined the need "for each child coming into the world to be welcomed into the warmth of a family."
He continued: "Exterior comforts are not important. Jesus was born in a stable and his first cradle was a manger, but the love of Mary and Joseph made him feel the tenderness and beauty of being loved."
"This is what children need: the love of a father and mother," Benedict XVI stated.
He added, "This is what gives them a sense of security and, as they grow, enables them to discover the meaning of life."
The Pontiff acknowledged that the Holy Family went through many trials such as "the massacre of the innocents, which forced Joseph and Mary to flee to Egypt."
"But, trusting in Divine Providence, they found their stability and ensured Jesus had a serene infancy and a solid education," he added.
The Holy Father entrusted "all families to Mary and Joseph, that they may not be discouraged in the face of trials and difficulties but always cultivate conjugal love and dedicate themselves faithfully to the service of life and education."

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